The SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) play a significant role in the Indian economy. They form the major contributors to the country’s GDP and also as the employment hub of the country. The MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises)...
The Small, Micro, and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector is vital to the economy of India. With millions of enterprises in various industries, it employs a vast population of several people. The SMEs sector includes major women-guided enterprises and multiple...
India is the world's second biggest manufacturer of food items beside China, and has the capability of being the greatest with the food and farming area. The food processing industry is positioned fifth regarding generation, utilization, trade and expected...
Our institution has this habit of always neglecting Small and medium enterprises from the major access of financing them at a rational cost. However, nowadays linking borrowers with lenders have now become very common and people are trying their...
Ceramics also called fireclay is a non-metallic strong, which is created by the technique of temperature and consequent cooling. Ceramics is a various industry and contains a few classifications of items, including clean product, concrete, propelled earthenware production and...
Food processing industry plays an important role in the Indian economy. Processing of food covers a wide range of products or items like milk, milk products, fruits, vegetables, meat poultry, alcohol, protein food, confectionery etc. meat processing industry too. Further...
It’s true to say that small, medium and micro enterprises (SMEs) have always been the backbone of the Indian economy from the starting and secondary sector in later. Role of SMEs in the economic development of India like SMEs...
A phenomenal term and conceptualization, developing since it's inception. In the context of a business or other enterprise (SME) Information technology is the application of computers to store, evaluate, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data or information. It's a subset...
The Indian pharmaceutical industry is very largely fragmented and is estimated to have 9,456 units in the SME segment which is around 87 percent in production by volume and 40 percent by value, as per the reports.
SMEs likely to...
Staring a new business in today’s world is not at all easy. Studies have proved that people who try to create a startup usually fail due to lack of funding. Also, a recent study has concluded that more than...