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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Exclusive Interaction with Mr.Umesh Modi, Chairman & Managing Director, Jupiter Infomedia Ltd.

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  1. Can you please explain about the business model of Jupiter Infomedia?

Jupiter Infomedia Limited is a Web Infomedia (internet based publication) Company, which is in to the development of verticals / e-publications. Like any publication, we are providing unique & updated information in our verticals targeted at to a particular user group. For e.g. our B2B vertical is useful for MSMEs to know information about new products and suppliers. Over a period of time, publication develops its user base and then can generate revenue by way of advertisement and subscription.

  1.  How do you see a B2B business scenario in India?

At Jupiter Infomedia, we have there B2B transaction taking place. only provides the information and forwards buyer’s inquiry directly to manufacturers. The buy & sell transactions directly happens between buyer & seller. provides multiple supplier information for any requirement of buyer.

  1. How is different from Or Moglix? Please explain in more detail. & are B2B portals. provides information of manufacturers only (for Indian products) & in case of imported goods, distributor’s information is provided. In case of, it provides info of all types of suppliers.

  1. Do you have any idea of the next phase of operation?

At, after developing huge content, our aim is to develop a quality buyer base. JimTrade is useful for all the purchase decision makers in MSME industry. Hence, we want to develop a huge user base of these purchase decision makers.

  1. May we know about your marketing strategy and future investment plans?

Revenue for the B2B portal comes mainly from the product listing charges. At present, we run a small marketing team to test the various marketing strategies. We have already done a substantial market research and in coming years, an all India marketing team will be developed gradually. The product listing is very useful for any manufacturer to generate inquiry for their product. At present, in India we have nearly 4 million SME units.

As regards investment, from the inception, we have continuously invested in content and user base development. At present, our costs are financed from internal accruals only and are written off every year. In future also, we expect to generate enough profit to finance our expansion.

  1. Can you highlight a few Jupiter Infomedia’s achievements?

Jupiter Infomedia has achieved a leading position in respect of it’s two verticals.

At, we are one of the largest in India to have 5,00,000+ manufacturers product profile information. Till now, we have participated in more than 500 trade shows and events to create awareness about Hence, our subscriber base for JimTrade’s e-newsletter is 8,00,000+ is an encyclopedia on India with unique researched information about India. Till now, our editorial team has developed 40,000+ interesting articles about India. Some of the information is so unique that it has been it has been referred at thousands of website. Even at Wikipedia, thousands of pages carry a reference of

  1. Have you observed any noticeable impact of GST on Business?

As we are not in to the B2C market place, we have limited views on this.

  1. Mention the growth/expansion plans of Jupiter Infomedia?

Jupiter Infomedia has a clear vision to create amazing value for its stakeholder with development of global scale verticals.

To achieve this, our strategy & our achievement until now are as under:

Creating Large Scale Verticals with immense market potential

In India, internet based businesses are just at the initial stage with huge growth prospects. Hence, at Jupiter, we have focused on the verticals which provide vast opportunities and has very few players.

Our flagship portal is in the B2B segment, which is for MSME industry. In India, MSME accounts for 45% of the manufacturing output from 26 million units throughout the country. is a free encyclopedia on India. Here, there is a scope to develop lakhs of articles with unique informative content. is a yellowpages directory, with business listings of India. There is a huge demand for updated business listings of every city, town and village in India.

Developing Unique and voluminous content in each verticals

“Content is the king” is a famous phrase on Internet”. To search always reminds us of Google, for social media – facebook, for video – youtube etc. Why? These offer endless unique content for our requirement. Our focus has been to prepare exceptional content. It has twin advantage. One, content drives the traffic and second, competition will take time to outpace us. At, we have 5,00,000+ manufacturers’ product profiles. At, we have 40,000+ researched articles. And at, we have 10,00,000+ business listings. In all these three verticals, we have achieved a position of a leading player in India.

Maintaining Cost under Control

In India, Internet based businesses are with one of the least entry barriers. We have to prepare ourselves for competition. Hence, in all these years we have focused on execution excellence, operational efficiencies and cost management. Further, we have managed to almost write-off cost of content, software & user-base development  every year and thereafter being in profit.. has 5,00,000+ product profiles and has 40,000+ researched articles for which cost in our balance sheet is Rs 45 Lacs only. Our subscriber base for e-newsletter for is 8,00,000+ and for is 1,00,000+ with virtually no cost in our books.

  1. Tell us something about your entrepreneurship journey? (In Short)

The Company is promoted by Umesh Modi in 2005. It started with a small team of editorial & software executives. After initial years of research, we freeze on first idea of B2B portal and then decided to develop encyclopedia on India. From then on, our focus is for developing the team for the project.


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