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Monday, June 24, 2024

Sabine Hospital Raises $50 Million to Expand Fertility and Mother-Childcare Services

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Kerala-based Sabine Hospital and Research Centre has successfully raised $50 million. These fundings come from private equity fund CX Partners and a consortium of investors, including Singapore-based Tanas Capital. This significant funding boost marks a pivotal moment for the hospital, which has been serving the community since its founding in 2010 by Dr. Sabine Sivadasan.

A Vision for Comprehensive Care

Sabine Hospital, located in Muvattapuzha near Kochi with an additional facility in Trivandrum, offers a wide range of services. These include infertility treatments, assisted reproductive technology (ART), obstetrics, gynaecology, neonatology, paediatrics, general surgery, and genetics. With a mission to provide comprehensive care, the hospital has established itself as a leader in mother-childcare services in India.

Expanding Capacity and Services

The hospital currently operates with 300 beds, including 60 NICU beds across its two facilities. It boasts impressive statistics, conducting over 6,000 IVF cycles and 3,000 deliveries annually. This activity underscores the hospital’s critical role in addressing infertility and providing essential healthcare services.

Dr. Sabine Sivadasan, founder of Sabine Hospital, expressed her enthusiasm about the funding. “The investment of $50 million validates our strong clinical fundamentals, business practices and also recognises the immense need for better fertility, mother and childcare in India. We are now all set to embark on the next phase of growth with renewed passion,” she said.

Strategic Growth and Expansion

The new funding will be instrumental in driving the next phase of growth for Sabine Hospital. Vivek Chhachhi, Managing Partner at CX Partners, highlighted the hospital’s impressive growth trajectory. “The organisation has demonstrated remarkable growth, with a CAGR of 25 per cent over the last three years. We see the potential in further expanding Sabine Hospitals to adjacent markets, drawing upon our experience investing in healthcare, attracting high-quality professional leadership, and putting in place systems to manage growth,” Chhachhi said.

CX Partners manages $1 billion in assets across its funds and co-investors. The fund’s expertise and resources will be critical in supporting Sabine Hospital’s expansion plans.

Also read: TCoE Invites Proposals for MSME 5G Study

The Growing Demand for Healthcare Services in India

The investment in Sabine Hospital comes at a time when the healthcare sector in India is poised for significant growth. According to Statista, the hospitals market in India is projected to grow at an annual rate of 5.02 per cent, increasing from $126.80 billion in revenue in 2024 to $162.00 billion by 2029. This growth is driven by increasing healthcare needs and the rising demand for specialized services like IVF and neonatal care.

Focus on Quality and Innovation

Sabine Hospital’s commitment to quality care and innovation has been a cornerstone of its success. The hospital’s ability to attract significant investment is a testament to its strong clinical outcomes and robust business practices. By leveraging the latest technologies and adhering to high standards of care, Sabine Hospital has positioned itself as a trusted provider of fertility and mother-childcare services.

Addressing Infertility and Childcare Needs

Infertility remains a significant challenge for many couples in India, and the demand for effective treatments continues to grow. Sabine Hospital’s comprehensive approach, which includes state-of-the-art IVF treatments and supportive care for mothers and children, addresses this critical need. The hospital’s expansion will enable it to reach more patients and provide them with the care they need to start and grow their families.

The involvement of private equity firms like CX Partners and Tanas Capital underscores the increasing interest in the healthcare sector. These investments provide much-needed capital and bring strategic expertise and support for operational improvements. The partnership between Sabine Hospital and its investors is expected to enhance the hospital’s capabilities and drive sustainable growth.

Future Prospects

With the new funding, Sabine Hospital is well-positioned to expand its services and facilities, reaching more patients and addressing the growing demand for fertility and mother-childcare services in India. The hospital’s focus on quality care, innovation, and patient satisfaction will continue to drive its success in the years to come.

As the healthcare sector in India evolves, Sabine Hospital’s commitment to excellence and its strategic partnerships will ensure that it remains at the forefront of providing comprehensive, high-quality healthcare services. Moreover, the investment from CX Partners and other investors marks a significant milestone in the hospital’s journey and sets the stage for continued growth and impact in the healthcare industry.


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